

Tran-SET has the ultimate target of supporting existing academic programs and educate more students (school, undergraduate, and graduate students) about transportation challenges in the region.

Tran-SET team organize and sponsor several education activities as part of its operation and funding of research projects.

The abstract consists of several parts: title page (drawn up according to the requirements of the educational institution); the table of contents (content) requires page numbers for each section of the abstract; introduction; main body, consisting of chapters; conclusion; list of used literature. The introduction explains: why such a topic was chosen, why it is important (personal attitude to the topic (problem), how it is relevant (the attitude of modern society to this topic (problem)), what cultural or scientific value it represents (from the point of view of researchers, scientists); what literature is used: research, popular science literature, educational, who are the authors … (Cliché: “The material for writing the abstract served …”)


The following two objectives are at the heart of all Tran-SET education-related activities:

  • Improve and support existing academic programs at Tran-SET’s partnering institutions.
  • Improve and support transportation non-degree programs at Tran-SET’s partnering institutions (architectural, business, mechanical, electrical, industrial engineering, etc.).

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