Tran-SET will be holding the 2022 Tran-SET Conference in Austin, TX hosted by the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA).
The purpose of this annual Conference is to educate, engage, and work with varied stakeholders (academics, industry professionals, state DOTs, and other government agencies) to solve transportation challenges facing the South-Central United States. The Conference is an opportunity to inform stakeholders on Tran-SET’s research, education, workforce development, and technology transfer activities. This includes showcasing our technical contributions in a wide-range of transportation fields, including: Integrating cutting-edge technologies, big data and AI-based techniques to achieve transportation equity and maintain durable, sustainable and resilient transportation infrastructure.
Conference Theme
The conference theme is integrating cutting-edge technologies, big data, and AI-based techniques to achieve transportation equity and maintain durable, sustainable, and resilient transportation infrastructure.
Why Attend?
There are many reasons to attend the 2022 Tran-SET Conference!
- Learn how Tran-SET-sponsored research is solving transportation needs in the South-Central region;
- Network, collaborate, and engage with other professionals in a wide-range of transportation fields (see above) and from varied backgrounds; and
- Earn as many as 12 professional development hours (PDHs).
For any questions, please contact:
Dr. Samer Dessouky at (210) 458-7072 or samer.dessouky@utsa.edu.
Dr. Hassan Noorvand at (480) 646-0071 or transet@lsu.edu.
Hosted and Organized by:
The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)
August 31 – September 2, 2022
Important Dates
May 1, 2022 | Call for Papers and Student Posters Begins
Jun 1, 2022 | Draft Papers for Presentation and Publication Due
Jun 1, 2022 | Abstracts for Student Poster Presentation Due
Jun. 20, 2022 | Registration Opens
Jun. 30, 2022 | Final Papers Due
Jun. 30, 2022 | Student Posters Due
Aug. 31, 2022 | Conference Begins